Georgia is an at-will employment state, which means an employer can fire you for no cause, good cause, or bad cause, but cannot fire you for a discriminatory cause. That is, you cannot be terminated, demoted, or otherwise have an adverse action taken against you by an employer because of your race, gender, religious, ethnic, or national origin background. Atlanta discrimination attorney Brandon Hornsby has handled hundreds of discrimination cases and has helped those who have been treated differently for no reason other than their background.
Atlanta discrimination attorney Brandon Hornsby knows that race, gender, religion, ethnicity, and national origin are all elements just like age or disabilities that an individual cannot help. Hornsby is dedicated to aiding those who are treated differently due to circumstances beyond their control. You cannot help why an employer choses to discriminate against you, but you do know that it is illegal, and you can work with Atlanta discrimination attorney Brandon Hornsby to put an end to it and to be compensated or otherwise made whole for your tribulations.
Discrimination in this nation has been going on for too long and as our society modernizes, we are moving towards a more egalitarian culture. There are still, however, employers and actors who insist on discriminating against people because of their backgrounds. Atlanta discrimination attorney Brandon Hornsby is committed to working to end this discrimination and will work with you to do so.